Next Steps

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At Providence, our mission is to make, grow, and unleash disciples of Christ.
Find out how you can get connected in living out our Mission here at Providence!


If you’re new to Providence, the Newcomers Reception gives you a chance to meet our elders, ask questions about how things work around here, and get to know some new folks! It’s also a good place to start figuring out how you can use your gifts to serve. Newcomers receptions are planned periodically, so sign up and we’ll contact you about the next date!

Upcoming Events

Providence isn’t just a Sunday morning service. It’s a family. Small Groups is how we show that. They are the environment where discipleship relationships can flourish, and they’re essential to life in the Providence family. Click “find your group” to contact us & find a small group that is right for you.

Find Your Group


Baptism is the way a follower of Jesus tells the world about their new life. It symbolizes being cleansed from sin, being included in the death and resurrection of Jesus for your sins, and being connected to the people of God. If you want to be baptized, we would love to sit down with you and let you ask questions and share your faith story with us. Click "I Want To Be Baptized" to contact us about your desire to take this next step in your faith journey!

I Want To Be Baptized


Membership is simply committing to be a fully contributing partner in our church family. Members vote on major church decisions, and contribute to the life of the church family through giving, serving, and discipleship. Our membership process begins with Intro to Providence, a class that introduces you to our beliefs, practices, and history. Click "Providence Membership" to sign up for our next membership class, Intro to Providence!

Providence Membership


Providence isn’t a place where the elders or the staff do all the ministry – we’re about equipping YOU to use the gifts God has given you to encourage and disciple others. Whether it’s serving coffee, telling kids a Bible story, playing an instrument or hanging out with students, there’s a way for you to make a difference. Just let us know you are ready to jump in!

Ready to Serve


The DS1 Training (DS stands for Disciple Shift) is for any member who desires to grow in the area of learning how to be more effective in making disciples. It is especially useful for leading a small group, which is why we ask all of our small group leaders, and encourage their apprentices, and anyone who thinks they might lead a group someday, to go through the training. Click "DS1 Training" to contact us about your interest in going through this training!

DS1 Training

Have Questions?

We would love to talk with you! Tap the button below to contact us.