Praying for The Nations

Participate in the global work of the Lord through Prayer

Here, Near, & Far

A crucial part of making, growing, and unleashing disciples of Christ is allowing the Holy Spirit to will and work through you. Through praying over how the Lord is working globally in making disciples, we can participate in living out the Great Commission where we are! Here are some ways you can be praying this week!

MONDAY | Local Missions
MONDAY | Local Missions

Lake Camp

  • Pray for the students and leaders at Lake Camp this week. May hearts be drawn to Christ and lives be changed through faith.
TUESDAY | Local Missions
TUESDAY | Local Missions

Street Hope, TN

  • This month we are praying specifically for survivors of human trafficking. Summer can bring many happy childhood memories, but survivors of trafficking have lost many opportunities to simply enjoy their childhood. Please pray this summer that survivors will have opportunities to fully enjoy moments they have missed.
WEDNESDAY | Local Missions
WEDNESDAY | Local Missions

Knoxville Internationals Network (KIN)

  • Pray for the Lord to fill the opening on their board.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment for the gentleman this position has been offered to as he prays through it.
THURSDAY | International Missions
THURSDAY | International Missions

David and Katya Snead

  • Pray for David and Katya Snead as they prepare for an upcoming summer camp. May the Lord use and guide them as they share the Gospel.
  • Pray for continued safety.
FRIDAY | International Missions
FRIDAY | International Missions

Redeem All Ministries

  • Pray for the continued provision for the Mupesewa family as they prepare to move back to Zimbabwe at the beginning of August. May the Lord provide all that they need.